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Home > skeleton > skull > dentary of Epinephelus quinquefasciatus


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Epinephelus quinquefasciatus (Bocourt, 1868)

Maximum recorded size:
250.0 cm TL (male)

Dentary of Epinephelus itajara

Coronoid process pointed and oriented anteroposteriorly. Ventral process hemi-ellipsoidal or bifid with a pointed and a rounded tips, and oriented according to dorsal/ventral axis straight. Its relief is flat or present a depression covered in part and at the tip, in posterior part, there is a pore. Meckelian fossa present. Internal notch larger than the external one but the two notches are small. Chin apophysis short. Mandibular symphysis oriented vertically, straight or bilobed. Tooth type: conical or caniniform in two or more rows of teeth. No bigger tooth at the anterior part. Teeth curved towards internal part. External and internal teeth have the same size. One or several pore on external side and no pore on internal side. No foramen.

Specimen n°MNHN-8049
Study collection of P. Béarez (Paris, France)

Determination Béarez, P. (2000)
Length 35.8 cm SL, 45.0 cm TL (Unknown sex)
Collection site Panama City (Panama)